Obama Family Member Outraged Over Loomer Unleashed’s Video Showing Hamas Propagandist Ilhan Omar’s Hypocrisy in Calling Trump Supporters Extremists

Malik Obama, the older half-brother of Barack Obama, called Laura Loomer racist over a Loomer Unleashed video taken on Thursday showing Ilhan Omar’s hypocrisy of calling supporters of President Trump “extremists.” Omar’s congressional colleagues have credibly accused her of sharing pro-Hamas propaganda in the halls of Congress. In the video, Omar called the Loomer Unleashed reporter “disgusting” for asking how she could call Trump supporters extremists when she has been credibly accused of sharing pro-Hamas propaganda. Loomer Unleashed’s video of Omar has over a million views on X alone. Many say the footage perfectly illustrates the Democrat’s hypocrisy.

Loomer fired back at Malik Obama’s X post, calling her racist, posting, “Imagine thinking the word “racist” has any value anymore? Coming from the brother of the most anti-white President we have ever had. BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. Emphasis on the Hussein.”

Loomer Unleashed’s Omar video has over a million views. This is due to the shocking exchange between Loomer Unleashed Reporter Charles Downs and Omar:

Loomer Unleashed: ” Congresswoman, how can you call Trump supporters extremists when you have literally repeated Hamas rhetoric?”

Omar: ” You are disgusting. Go away.”

Loomer Unleashed:” How am I disgusting? It’s a truthful question, congresswomen. You call Americans extremists, yet you repeat pro-Hamas propaganda.”

Omar: “That is not true. You aren’t truthful, you are disgusting.”

Loomer Unleashed:” It is true. Your colleagues say so.”

Omar: “That is not true. You and the colleagues are disgusting.”

Loomer Unleashed:” So your congressional colleagues are lying?”

Omar: “Yes.”

Loomer Unleashed spoke to Omar after the Cease Fire protest on Capitol Hill. It’s worth noting that at the protest, both Omar and Rashida Tlaib wore green, the official color of Hamas. Talib and Omar can openly cheerlead for Hamas in the Halls of Congress, while Trump supporters who peacefully passed through Congress on J6 are being arrested. This perfectly illustrates how uneven America’s scales of justice are.

Omar is not living in reality as 218 of her colleagues voted “yes” on a resolution to remove her from the Committee on Foreign Affairs due to her remarks referring to 9/11 as “some people did something.” Other past Omar statements included in the resolution “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby,” and “We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.” According to Omar, these 218 members of Congress are “disgusting.”

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