America First Trumps Globalism as Nikki Haley Drops Out of the GOP Primary

America First policy trumped globalism as Nikki Haley announced Wednesday that she is dropping out of the Republican Party Primary. Loomer Unleashed reported in depth about Haley’s Democrat funding and pro-globalist policies. With Haley and the globalist wing of the GOP set to disappear into irrelevancy, we thought it would be fun to highlight some of Haley’s biggest disasters.

Nikki Haley looked crushed and beaten down as she announced Wednesday that she was dropping out of the GOP Primary. Haley acknowledged that Trump will likely win reelection in November, saying, “I wish Trump well… I wish anyone well who will be America’s President.”

Loomer Unleashed had quite a fun time exposing Haley. Team Haley once called the police on Laura Loomer because Loomer attended one of Haley’s Iowa events. The video of Team Haley calling law enforcement on Loomer received 13 million views on X. Team Haley was believed to have become enraged at Loomer’s attendance because Loomer reported on a 2010 affidavit alleging Haley had an affair. Haley never denied the claims.

Loomer Unleashed also led the charge in reporting on Jeffrey Epstein’s associate Reid Hoffman’s quarter-million-dollar donation to Stand for America, a PAC supporting Haley. Hoffman donated after JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon pleaded with liberals at the New York Times Deal Book Summit to back Haley to “stop Trump.” Loomer Unleashed caught up with Haley in Iowa and asked her if she would call on Stand for America to return their Hoffman donation. Instead of answering the question, Haley ran away and had her staff remove Loomer Unleashed from the event.

Haley’s anti-free speech policy continued past Iowa and into New Hampshire when Haley and her political tool, Chris Sununu, had law enforcement remove Loomer from their event. The video of this incident received over a million views.

Following New Hampshire, Loomer Unleashed led the charge in exposing Haley’s Democrat mega-donors, highlighting that between the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries, Haley attended events in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Boston hosted by over 45 Democrat mega-donors. Karl Rove’s wife Karen, was also involved in hosting Haley’s fundraisers. It should come as no surprise that Karl Rove looked sick during his Fox News appearance following Trump’s massive Super Tuesday win.

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